WF believes in commitment to the various communities around the world: we’ve worked with NGOs in Cambodia, India and Denmark. Recently, our composers were delighted to work on this piece for Microsoft. 4Afrika Enables Africa’s digital transformation for Africa by Africans. If any of our clients are involved with charitable projects and think they could use our services, we’d be delighted to hear from them.
We are a sonic branding agency in Dubai. Our team of award-winning composers has a track record of creating original music across multiple styles and genres using a network we have built a wide network of international musicians, composers and sound designers with whom we regularly collaborate. 4Afrika.
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It has been seven years since Microsoft first launched its 4Afrika Initiative – a continent-wide, multi-million dollar investment to accelerate digital transformation in Africa. South Africa was one of the first countries to benefit, with the opening of an AppFactory in 2013 and internship programme in 2014, which took on young students for three to six months to give them hands-on digital work experience.
Today, that AppFactory and internship programme are still running, with the AppFactory recently becoming part of Microsoft’s evolved Equity Equivalent Investment Programme. Across the continent, eighteen other AppFactories, now known as Skills Labs, have also since opened, securing employment for 85% of its graduates. Interns4Afrika has placed over 780 interns with 176 partners, while a partnership with the YALI regional leadership centre has upskilled a further 4,049 youth in South Africa. Most recently, an AI and IoT PopUp Lab in Johannesburg provided technical training and guidance to 110 business leaders and technical specialists, including Bidvest Group and Standard Microgrid, accelerating their solutions to commercialisation. Collectively, these and other skills development initiatives have impacted some 1.6 million Africans.
Over the last seven years, Microsoft 4Afrika has worked alongside local governments, partners, start-ups, SMEs and youth, offering support to develop skills and innovation – and has prioritised industries including healthcare, agriculture, financial services, education and government services.